In Episode 130, we detailed the death-state of the Church in the West and what we believe to be the symptoms and causes of this death. We also discussed what we believe Jesus can use to bring “the church” back to life.
Summary of the problems: 1) Church growth strategies of the flesh, 2) narcissistic Pastors and 3) consumer Christians. Therefore, the answer is a new kind of church, a new kind of Pastor, and a new kind of Christian.
We then offered a personal assessment for you to discern whether you are part of the problem or whether you are part of the solution. These standards of evaluation are taken mostly from the Book of Acts. For each of the nine items, give yourself a score of 1-11, with 11 meaning, “I am crushing this!”. (99 is a perfect score) Here we go:
Devoting yourself to the Word of God: You read it, meditate upon it, listen to it, think about it, study it, and love it. It is a consistent and meaningful part of your life.
Giving and receiving fellowship: Having close and connected relationships and community within the Church. You don’t attend only 1.8 times per month and you have time with other Christians during the week. This is close giving and receiving of community.
Participating in Christ: You break bread and pray - that is communion as participation in the body of Jesus and you participate in the divine nature of Jesus with Him. You abide in Him.
Knowing and using your spiritual gifts: Every Christian is given spiritual gifts at their time of conversion and are called by God to know and use them in their traffic patterns and life. You can find those gift discussions in Ephesians 4, Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12.
Choosing unity in Christ and rejecting division in the church family: You refuse to allow division in the community of faith and you seek to build and experience unity in Jesus. One in heart and mind with others.
Sharing and caring for your brothers and sisters: You see needs and respond to them. You share your resources with your community of faith as needs arise, and you do so sacrificially. You pray for and reach out to those in need and offer encouragement and support.
Sacrificially sharing your wealth: Giving beyond God’s tithe and sacrificing financially for the sake of others, both inside and outside the Church.
Gathering faithfully: The average attendee goes to church less than two times per month. You do not forsake the gathering of yourself with the church and it is a habitual and joyful part of your faith walk.
Enjoying meals with other believers in our homes: You go to people’s homes and you open your home to others in the Church. You break bread and fellowship together around the table.
We would love to hear your experience with this assessment and hear what God is saying to you on this matter. Do not be discouraged because of the outcome of this assessment. Rather, see where the Lord may be calling you to be a part of the vibrancy of His Church in the future.